
CCI Strategic Report (002)

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83 Great ideas rarely occur in a vacuum. They happen when great minds ignite one another. And that's exactly where Spark came from. It's an idea-generation program and competition where employees submit ideas to help the company innovate and improve business in areas like safety, revenue growth, cost reductions and operational efficiency. Participants are eligible for monetary awards as their ideas advance through the evaluation process. Ideas that transform the business can come from any employee in any department, giving all employees an opportunity to shape the company's future. Spark "For well over a century, Alabama Power's employees have been the foundation of our company's success. Today, as we operate in an economic landscape that is evolving more rapidly than ever before, innovation is the currency of the future. We value the diversity of thought, education and life experience represented in the workforce and believe that encouraging and supporting a spirit of innovation among employees is critical to enhancing Alabama Power's competitive position and ensuring a brighter, more prosperous future for all Alabamians." – Greg Barker, executive vice president, Customer Services Alabama Power's Innovation Team. From left (back row), Kenny Keenan, Hiren Patel, Justin Wampol, Shiloh Lay, Kevin Kaye, George Stegall, (front row) Lindsey Pearson, Landon Acriche , Hailey Oliff, Percy Coleman and John Smola. 145 ideas submitted in 2018.

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