
2020 Strategic Report

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Alabama Power Service Organization and Energizers members have been doing their part as well, even though the pandemic limited their efforts to provide community support. Instead of taking part in in-person events, they have shifted to virtual volunteering. Volunteers have sewn face masks and isolation gowns, assisted with United Way 211 calls, provided meals to health care professionals at local hospitals, participated in online storytelling on Facebook and YouTube, and sent encouraging letters and cards to hospitals and nursing homes. ' FE E D TH E FRONT ' Supporting employees during the transition to adjusted operations, "Feed the Front," an initiative providing meals regularly to on-site, business-critical employees, began this spring. Alabama Power contracted with local restaurants and caterers, bringing work to small businesses throughout the state. Feed the Front provided more than 2 ,000 on-site meals and more than 10,000 gift cards. "Feed the Front has been an opportunity to provide a small token of appreciation for our front-line employees while supporting local restaurants – who are also C O V I D - 1 9 R E S P O N S E our customers – struggling due to COVID-19," said Gordon Martin, senior vice president of Corporate and Administrative Services. MAKING A RES PONS IBLE RE E NTRY As an essential business, Alabama Power never closed, continuing to provide our communities the vital energy needed to power homes and business across our state. The company continues to work with state and local leaders and consult with medical professionals to monitor the spread of the virus in the state. In planning for how normal operations will resume, a Responsible Reentry Playbook with the guiding principles of re-entry being responsible, measured and f lexible was developed. In September, business offices and Appliance Centers returned to walk-in service with signs and safety measures in place to adhere to CDC guidelines. "We've missed our customers," said Jasper Customer Service Representative Sandra Tucker. "Just to see their faces – to be able to help them – we're excited about that." Feed the Front provided meals to on-site employees. Signage at business off ices reminds customers to keep a safe distance. 2 1

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