
2020 Strategic Report

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A B O U T T H E C C I M ILLE N N IAL OUTRE ACH In an effor t to connect w ith emerg ing generations , the CCI sponsors millennial-focused events, fostering inclusion within the company, in Alabama communities and with our customers. M E NTORS H IP Mentorship tools and resources are available to employees to foster inclusion and engagement. Professional development resources are available to all employees, with an increasing number of events held across the company. OFFICE R E NGAGE M E NT The CCI provides opportunities for employees to connect with company officers through informal events and employee programs, encouraging relationship- building and open dialogue. LE ADE RS H IP INVOLVE M E NT The CCI engages first- and second-line supervisors to build leadership throughout the organization and increase employee participation. COM M U N ICATIONS STR ATEGY Consistent employee communication is key to instilling the company's culture focus and sharing the work of the CCI. 2020 FOCUS AREAS 9

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