Alabama Power

Alabama Power - 2022 CCI Strategic Report

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8 | ALABAMA POWER | COUNCIL ON CULTURE AND INCLUSION SUBCOMMITTEES EMPLOYEE COUNT AND REPRESENTATION Evaluate the company's evolving workforce and propose actions to improve representation at all levels. Responsibilities Approve company guidance to ensure diversity of interview panels to promote an inclusive culture, minimize unconscious biases and ensure the best candidates are selected for job openings. Continue to sharpen the focus on employee retention – specifically employee populations experiencing disproportionate turnover rates. Promote talent acquisition and talent management practices that lead to well- represented hiring pools. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Evaluate existing programs and explore new opportunities to improve the culture. Responsibilities Assess the company's composition with the specific intent of embracing what it means to be a diverse company. Review workforce metrics that analyze the pipeline and progression of women of color. Assess and guide Voice of the Employee Survey content. Create opportunities to gather feedback from individuals and groups of employees. Identify best practices from industry leaders that have demonstrated success in creating diverse and inclusive workforces. Engage in discussions of industry best practices related to LGBTQ+ inclusion.

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