Report to the Community

Report To The Community

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When a child is suffering from a serious illness or disability, the parents and siblings suffer, too. At times they don't know where to turn for strength and comfort. C H A R I T A B L E G I V I N G Being There for Sick Children and Their Families 1 1 Alabama Power Foundation, recognizing the needs of these young Alabamians and their families, supplies both support and encouragement through an ongoing commitment to Children's Harbor at Lake Martin. Imagine a refuge where everyone cares and where people speak the language of concern and hope. Children's Harbor is just that escape, offering a 66-acre camp with a mile and a half of shoreline. Here, at absolutely no cost, organized groups of patients with health concerns gather for camps while the parents exchange knowledge, understanding and empathy. Throughout the summer and on weekends, themed camps serve kids with multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, cancers, transplants, spina bifida and more. In all, 30 illness camps annually serve 4,000 Alabama children. This year, Alabama Power stepped in to financially support a major series of renovations for Children's Harbor, founded in 1990 and feeling its age. Thanks to the company's generous $100,000 grant, the facility now boasts a new dining hall seating 200, a new dormitory with 50 additional bunks and enhanced landscaping across the property. Alabama Power's involvement does not stop there. Some 30,000 people annually reach out for counseling, educational assistance, financial help and more through Children's Harbor's Family Resource Center at the new Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children in Birmingham. Major sponsorship at that center along with top-level involvement with fundraisers demonstrate Alabama Power's level of caring for our youths and their families during emotional and vulnerable times.

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