Report to the Community

Report To The Community

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Alabama Power helps students see beyond the classroom and into their own futures. Every lesson becomes a building block leading to job opportunities and solid roles in the workplace. In short, our kids learn where they're going and how to get there. E C O N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T Teaching the Tools for Success 2 1 Alabama Power's Judy Graham, manager in the Mobile area, initiated the annual Worlds of Opportunity, a hands-on career expo that hosts eighth-grade students from 66 schools in eight southwest Alabama counties. Worlds of Opportunity introduces the students to communication, architecture and engineering, public service and other careers. With the coming of Airbus, Austal (maritime) and ThyssenKrupp Steel USA to the area, Worlds of Opportunity also showcases technical and vocational jobs, which promise good pay without a four-year college degree. Alabama Power's start-now-not-later message encourages students to apply themselves, stay drug-free and make good decisions — and the kids are listening. Another example of Alabama Power's commitment to preparing youths for the workplace is found in Montgomery County. The Alabama Power Foundation, recognizing that hands-on experience translates into jobs, supports Montgomery's Technical Education Center as well as the building science program at Brewbaker Technology Magnet School (pictured). At Brewbaker, students hone skills in carpentry, heating and air conditioning and electrical and welding techniques that help prepare them for employment upon graduation.

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