Power Facts

october 2016 Powerfacts low

Issue link: http://alabamapower.uberflip.com/i/760344

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Power Facts AlAbAmA Power Customer Newsletter October 2016 www.AlabamaPower.com New look. See alabama power iN a whole New light. This summer, Alabama Power unveiled a new look to symbolize the innovative work that's taking place to bring customers and communities the vital energy and solutions that move our state forward to a brighter tomorrow. The new logo will be rolled out over the next few months. Customers can expect to see both the new and old logo designs on our buildings, uniforms, and company vehicles as we transition to the new look. The full transition is expected to take two to three years. POWER RECIPE Brunswick Stew Cut beef stew and pork in small pieces and dredge in flour, salt and pepper mixture. Brown beef and pork in skillet with oil. Put the meat in a large pot or crockpot, add Irish potatoes, chopped in small cubes, chopped onion, crushed tomatoes, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce. (Rinse crushed tomatoes with about a half cup of water). Cook on low heat for 1 hour, add lima beans and cook for 10 minutes and then add drained yellow corn and chopped chicken breast and cook for 30 minutes. Yield 8 servings. Sara Jean Brooklere, Adamsville 14 oz. beef stew 14.5 oz. can crushed tomatoes 12 oz. pork steak or pork chops ¼ cup ketchup ¼ cup flour 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste ¼ to ½ cup lima beans 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 can yellow corn, drained 2 Irish potatoes 1 large chicken breast, cooked and chopped 1 medium onion

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