
CCI Strategic Report (002)

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12 Alabama Power has a Non-Punitive Discipline Policy as a tool to improve deficiencies related to conduct, job performance or attendance. The Discipline subcommittee reviewed disciplines issued across the company. The review included: 2018 Focus In 2019, the Discipline subcommittee will continue to focus on singular issues and determine what, if any, actions need to be taken to support fair and equitable treatment. In addition, the CCI will sponsor non-punitive discipline-refresher training for supervisors. A random sample of current leaders will be surveyed and participate in a pilot to provide input on training needs and help shape the content. Here's what our leaders want from training: 2019 - Looking Forward • Revisions to the current policy. • Decision for CCI to sponsor non-punitive discipline refresher training. • Finding that no inconsistencies existed in how similar deficiencies were disciplined across demographic groups. • Guidance on infractions that may be serious enough to skip a level of discipline. • Enhance their ability to recognize when discipline is necessary. • Help determine what level of discipline is appropriate. • Real-world scenarios or case studies to show how non- punitive discipline works. • A look at the current policy. • Leader participation in non-punitive discipline training. • In-depth demographic analysis of disciplines issued. • Disciplines where the infraction was deemed serious enough to skip a level of discipline. • Whether management consulted with Human Resources or Labor Relations before taking disciplinary action. The results of the review led to:

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