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REGULATORY About 200 people attended meeting in Tuscaloosa. PAGE 4 Second PSC meeting examines operations and customer service T he Alabama Public Service Commission held the second of three scheduled public meetings about the company's Rate Stabilization and Equalization system. The June 18 meeting focused specifically on the company's generation, transmission and distribution operations, and customer service. The meeting drew more than 200 people to the University of Alabama School of Law. Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox during opening remarks praised the company's efforts. He said Alabama Power worked closely with the city to help restore power following the devastating tornadoes Commissioners heard from company and organization representatives. of April 2011. "When you have power, you have hope," members of a Tuscaloosa-area line crew who worked Maddox said. during the restoration efforts in April 2011. They Demopolis Mayor Michael Grayson also praised received strong applause from the crowd. the company for its reliability, its economic The public meeting continued into the evening development efforts and involvement in the with a presentation about the company's customer community. "West Alabama needs all the help it can service operations. Jonathan Porter, director of get, and Alabama Power does its part," he said. Customer Services, said serving customers is at Jim Heilbron, Alabama Power senior vice the center of everything Alabama Power does. He president and senior production officer, described described the company's multiple-faceted approach the company's generation operations and its fuel to assisting customers and earning their trust mix, which includes coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydro every day. It includes offering a variety of ways for and renewable resources. He said the company in customers to communicate with the company – at recent years has increased its use of natural gas as local offices, via the company's 24-hour toll-free compared to coal because of currently favorable gas phone line, and through a growing list of online, prices. Federal regulations have also played a role in social media and smart phone options. He said all determining fuel and generation decisions, he said. Customer Service Center representatives are in Maintaining a diverse portfolio of generation and the state – "Alabamians serving Alabamians." He fuel options, Heilbron said, helps protect customers said employees are dedicated to anticipating and from the volatility and fluctuating prices of the fuel responding to customer needs, and the company's market. He said Alabama Power's generating fleet is efforts have been recognized by independent among the most reliable in the industry, which also organizations such as J.D. Power & Associates, benefits customers. which ranks Alabama Power among the best in the Danny Glover, vice president of Distribution, industry. described the complex transmission and distribution Representatives from a number of advocacy system Alabama Power utilizes to serve customers organizations, including Alabama Arise, across more than 44,000 square miles. He said AARP, the League of Women Voters, the because of the rural nature of the service territory, Alabama Environmental Council, the Southern it takes more miles of line and more equipment to Environmental Law Center, the United Mine serve Alabama Power's customers compared to many Workers, the Partnership for Affordable Clean other utilities with more densely populated customer Energy and JobKeeper Alliance, attended the bases. meeting. Representatives posed questions on a Glover told commissioners the company is number of issues, including the company's renewable dedicated to providing reliable service in a costenergy objectives and filings with the Public Service effective manner and swiftly responding following Commission. Others, including several Tuscaloosastorms and natural disasters. He showed a short area business owners and west Alabama municipal video that recounted restoration efforts following the leaders, praised the company for providing reliable 2011 tornadoes. Despite significant challenges and service, economic development assistance and the worst infrastructure damage in the company's community support. history, Alabama Power was able to safely restore The final PSC meeting about Alabama Power, power within seven days to all customers who could related to the company's RSE mechanism, is in take service. Montgomery on July 17. Casey Shelton, business manager for System Council U-19 of the International Brotherhood By Michael Sznajderman of Electrical Workers, said this year Alabama Power line crews have been called out to restore power nearly 17,000 times. He paused to recognize