Alabama Power's Generation Culture
Commiee consists of representatives
from each of the company's fossil and hydro
generating plants: Plants Barry, Central
Alabama, Gaston, Gorgas and Gadsden
(combined), and Miller, along with the
Lower Coosa, Tallapoosa, Upper Coosa
and Warrior hydro facilities. "The objective
is clear," said commiee member Bernard
McGrew, compliance & support manager at
Plant Miller.
"We want to ensure that Alabama Power
offers a work environment where every
employee can be the best version of
themselves," McGrew said.
To meet that objective, the Generation
Culture Commiee meets monthly to
review what is happening at each of their
sites, discuss new and innovative ways to
Culture Commiees
improve company culture, and determine
how the commiee can best support those
efforts. In addition, Culture Commiee
chairs and co-chairs from each site meet
quarterly to ensure the commiee's plans
stay on track.
Another commiee initiative was a "town
hall" meeting held at the Birmingham
Civil Rights Institute. The event was
an opportunity to talk directly with top
Alabama Power executives so they could
learn about the commiee's efforts and
offer feedback on plans for the future.
"The level of support has been impressive,"
McGrew said. "The level of engagement we
continue to see is eye-opening and helpful."
"We want to ensure that
Alabama Power offers a work
environment where every
employee can be the best
version of themselves."
Bernard McGrew