Power Facts

March 2015

Issue link: http://alabamapower.uberflip.com/i/472870

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Power Facts A l A b A m A P o w e r C u s t o m e r N e w s l e t t e r March 2015 www.AlabamaPower.com Alabama Power offers rate plans to meet your family's lifestyle. You can choose the standard Family Dwelling Rate that is based on your usage, with the price varying by season, or choose from two additional options: Time Advantage-Energy and Time Advantage- Demand. The Time Advantage Rates are based on the time of day, season and how much electricity you use at one time. These rates offer economy pricing during low-demand, lower-cost times — evenings, nights and weekends – which provides you with the opportunity to save money. These economy pricing periods total about 90 percent of the hours in a year, so you may save up to 12 percent annually on your power bill if you can shift electricity use to these lower-cost times. For more information, and to see if one of the Time Advantage Rates is right for you, visit www. AlabamaPower. com/pricing or call 1-800-245- 2244. Shirley Wolfe, Springville POWER RECIPE 1 can low-fat cream of chicken soup 28 oz. fat-free chicken broth 1 cup skim milk 6 oz. light processed cheese ½ box four cheese mashed potatoes 1 ½ cups chopped broccoli Cheesy Broccoli Potato Soup Mix soup and broth and bring to a boil. Add broccoli and cook for 5 minutes. Add milk and potatoes and stir well. Heat until well blended. Add cheese and warm until melted. Time AdvAnTAge- energy FAmily dwelling rATe Time AdvAnTAge- demAnd Time Advantage Rates This plan is good for customers who are less likely to shift their electricity usage to evenings, nights and weekends during June-September. Save money based on the time of the day you use electricity. Save money based on the time of the day you use electricity and by avoiding the use of major appliances at the same time. JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER

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