Power Facts

June 2015 Powerfacts Low

Issue link: http://alabamapower.uberflip.com/i/759777

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Power Facts AlAbAmA Power Customer Newsletter June 2015 www.AlabamaPower.com When temperatures are extreme, power bills tend to be higher than normal. So as we deal with the dog days of summer, keep a close eye on the thermostat and remember that ceiling fans can make a room feel 3 to 4 degrees cooler than the thermostat setting. While we recommend keeping your thermostat set on 78 in the summer, some people find 78 a little too warm. But with a ceiling fan, you can keep that thermostat on 78 and the room will feel like it's 74 or 75. Those 3 or 4 degrees will make a big difference on your power bill. So become a fan of the fan. Calling all Cooks Ceiling fans help your air conditioner work more effectively, keeping you comfortable. In "My Life in France," celebrated chef Julia Child offered what she called her "invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook – try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless and, above all, have fun!" We also think cooking should be fun. We want to know what you love to cook and how you do it. We want your best recipes for the Alabama Power Recipe Contest. We're looking for a range of recipes, including healthy, special occasion and seasonal dishes. Send us your great takes on everything from appetizers to entrees to desserts, as well as breakfasts and brunches. Recipes may be published in future issues of Power Facts and on one or more of our websites. The deadline for entries is July 30. We will notify winners either by email or mail and send them a gift. Email your recipes to APCrecipes@southernco.com or mail them to: Alabama Power Recipe Contest 600 N. 18th St. P.O. Box 2641 Birmingham, AL 35291 Contest Rules: • You may enter up to 10 recipes. • By submitting recipes, you grant Alabama Power the right to publish in Power Facts and on an Alabama Power internet site any or all of your recipes, your name and your hometown. • Include ingredients and directions for each recipe. If a specific brand must be used as an ingredient, include the full name. • If you mail us your recipe, please type or print it with directions on an 8 ½-inch by 11-inch sheet of paper. Each entry must include your name, address and phone number. • Recipes should make use of an electric appliance. • We are not able to return recipes. For more information on ceiling fans and other energy-saving ideas to keep your power bills in check, visit www.AlabamaPower.com/tips.

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